Alta Roma Fashion Show "Connect to the ne(x)t" (07/2019)
Fractal design and pattern
This special design was made specifically for a gown created by Margherita Blasetti for the Alta Roma Fashion Show, “Connect to the ne(x)t”. When working on this design Margherita wanted something that would represent a vision of a future and tech in fashion. I created a unique fractal design that needed to wrap around in 360 degrees and also resemble more of an organic shape. The Background was also created by me using data distortion methods and glitch art techniques. A seemingly randomized pattern that actually was methodically planned to also be able to be looped.
Fractal design I made to be able to seamlessly wrap around clothing.
The process involved many different tests of shapes that could work for the gown but also that were fitting with the overall theme and mood of the show.